Emerging plans for
The Brighton College Prep and Pre Prep Schools
Thank you for visiting our consultation website. Brighton College welcomes neighbours’ feedback on its linked plans for:
Improved educational facilities on a combined Prep and Pre-Prep School campus at its St Mary’s Hall site
Improvements to its Convent site enabling boarding provision.
The proposals are designed by award-winning, Amsterdam based architects krft. We are delighted that you have taken the time to find out more about our emerging plans.

About the College
​Established in 1845, Brighton College is one of the leading not-for-profit independent schools in the UK. Originally founded in open countryside, it is now encircled by a number of mainly Victorian housing developments.
With a large number of children (of whom over 1,000 are from BN postcodes) and over 600 employees, the College is a prominent educator and important to the local economy.
In a recent survey of the top 25 schools in the UK, it was the second highest provider of means-tested bursaries (worth £5.9M) including 24 Ukrainian refugee children on free places.
Fifteen years ago, the site suffered from poor facilities and unsustainable buildings with high carbon footprints.
As a custodian of this historic campus, the College has responded by investing in upgrading its facilities and integrating several award-winning buildings.
Key Facts

pupils educated from Brighton and Hove City
(BN1-3 postcodes)
(includes StC)

local people employed
(includes StC)

pupils educated from BN postcodes
(includes StC)

of pupils are from overseas
(College only)

contribution to City GDP
(includes StC)

tax saving from educating outside maintained sector
(includes StC)

contribution to UK GDP
(includes StC)

school waste goes to landfill

facility investment scheduled 2023-28
(College, Prep and Pre- Prep only. StC modest)

pupils walk, cycle or travel by public transport/ school bus to campus
(College only-falls to 43% if include Prep and Pre-Prep)